Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Chapter 8 #1

1) CNN
a. Yes there is a breaking news tab that is easily noticeable to the viewer.
b. Yes there is definitely a feel of time being saved because there seems to be shorter versions of breaking stories and longer ones for more in depth reading.
c. The information is quick and easy to get due the the headlining information and tabs breaking the news into categories.
d. Yes there is information displayed visibly and verbally by means of video and photography displaying clips and graphics to further explain the breaking story.
e. The stories are balanced well for the most part but some stories that aren't breaking can be broken down further because they become old news and are less interesting.
f.  The writing generally does not contain lists and bullets, only paragraphs.
g. The stories are often broken down by rhetorical questions but no real sub headlines.
h. The hyperlinks aren't really needed because there is so much video being used but they are there when they are needed.
i. CNN uses an iReport section so that people all over can report as witnesses and send in their feedback and opinions.
j. The human touch aspect of the news is reached with a good balance of feel good stories and stories that put people in good light.

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