Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Chapter 6 Wkbk

a. The school manual has been changed after the Springfield board of education met Monday night
b. Springfield high school's manual has been changed.
c. The Springfield board of education changed the high school's manual. Things that were changed include the dress code, transportation and cell phone use.
d. The board of education voted on changing the manual making it more relatable to the 21st century.
e. Your students now have a new revised school manual to follow.

a. 2 local citizens died in a care crash this past weekend.
b. 2 died in a local care accident. The victims were James and Martha Westhaver who lived in Springfield. Others involved in the accident include people from the Parks and Recreation department.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


The angle will be centered on the liberty students experience with CFAW.

Dan Tarr
- Pastoral leadership and biblical exposition major.

1. Did you attend a CFAW before coming to liberty?
Answer: Yes 
2. What was your experience like?
Answer: "My hosts were involved in my weekend and enjoyed having me there"
3. What is your favorite CFAW memory?
Answer: "Going to the football game with my best friends and pretty college girls" 
4.  Have you ever had a CFAW stay with you? What was that like?
Answer: Yes many and they are usually kind and shy.
5. How do you view CFAW now that you are a student?
Answer: Inconvenient but happy that this is an event.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Dellin Betances Sets Single Season record for strikeouts by a reliever
 The young pitcher Bentances has been a key asset to the Yankees organization. This year he broke the famed Mariano Rivera's strikeout record at 132 strikeouts. This feat launched him to a new level of fame and respect of the fans and earned him a sure spot next year on the team.

FIFA orders officials to return expensive watches
This summer after the world cup Brazilians gave officials and referees expensive watches. This gift giving goes against FIFA's policy which states that they cannot accept gives that have symbolic or trivial value. The watches were called to be returned to the gift givers due to the various codes that they have broken.

The Royal and ancient golf course at St. Andrews voted to admit female members
After 260 years the royal and ancient golf course at St. Andrews is going to be admitting female members this thursday. This event is significant according to women's sports leaders because they see this as hope that other courses and clubs will follow. Since golf is going to be in the next olympics they are hoping for the sport to grow since it it is truly dying.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Chapter 6.

a. A scientist
b. Dismissed by EPA for tobacco lobbying

b. Where
c. The best lead is b because of the use of information wasn't overwhelming and it was urging you to read more.
d. The nations 40 million Social security recipients will recieve a 5.4 percent increase in January, the biggest boost in over eight years, your government announced yesterday.

5. Springfield university approved a plan Monday to convert from a plus/minus grading standard to the A/B/C/D/F plan.At  other universities and that have changed to this the GPA of their students declined.

6. The university Provost announced that students will now be able to purchase books from the university online unless probation restricts them form doing so.

b. A pipe fitter from Springfield suffered third degree burns while trying to intial a new pipe on a roof. He accidentally touched a power line carrying 15,000 volts.

8. Over 1,000 students from local Montwood high school  walked out of class to protest the new class schedule. The clash became violent when bottles were being thrown injuring 30 people and 10 were arrested.

a. Wayne Clay was driving north on U.S. 63 and crossed the center line crashing into the James W. Cunning with his 1992 Ford. Cunning is in satisfactory condition at Springfield Hospital.
b. A man driving south on U.S. 63 in his 1992 Ford crashed into another man after crossing the center line.

10. Yesterday, Spc. Leslie H. Sabo Jr. posthumously received the Medal of Honor from Barack Obama for heroism during combat in Cambodia. He sacrificed himself while destroy a bunker with a grenade.

11. An Amtrak train collided with three Conrail locomotives after running a stop sign.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Reflection Post

The 9/11 assignment was a great way to learn what it would be like to do some investigative reporting. The attribute that I would take from this assignment was the whole interview experience. It was a good start in learning how to develop questions and use them to develop the story.
The hardest part about this assignment was trying to organize the time to meet up. Even though my subject was my roommate he was very busy and it was a little overwhelming for him and I too rush through the questions and focus on main points. This lead to my work not being done because I would have liked to have more time to interview.

The feature story that would have came out of this interview would definitely be how Dan's father's plane was mistaken at first for the the one that crashed into the tower. He originally thought that his father had died and this was a very traumatic experience for him. This experience made him personally aware of the risks that his Father takes daily.

The issues regarding technology were mostly centered around iMovie. With this basic editing program it was hard to created the clip I wanted to make. The short time constant was also very short and I couldn't get all the information that I wanted involved in the interview.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 Interview Assignment

Name: Dan TarrInterview Place: Dorm 25-2, Room 213
Time: 9:30-10:00 p.m.
1. How did you find out what was happening on 9/11?
Dan: Came home from school and saw it on the news
2. What was your initial reaction to the bombings?
Dan: Pretty young, knew something bad was happening "depressed and struck"
3. Who were you with that day?

Dan: family, mom and brothers and sisters, all at home and distraught
4. Where were you on 9/11?
Dan: In school (second grade).
5. What do you specifically remember about the day?
Dan: Grandpa was watching the scene of second plane crashing over again- mom turned it off.
6. How did this incident personal effect you?
Dan: Worry about my dad a lot more.
7. How did it effect you knowing your dad is a commercial pilot?
Dan: Remembered being shocked knowing that it could have been his dad. He thought he was dead.
8. What were you emotions like during this day?
Dan: Frustrated, Grandpa kept watching it over and over again and I didn't want to see it.
9. How did your age play a part ?
Dan: Better grasp on the situation if i was older-all he could think about was his family.
10. What will be your lasting impression from 9/11?
Dan: Reminds me how my dad is still around and family is still together and how it united america.

CNA #2

Megachurch With a Beat Lures a Young Flock
The Australian pentecostal church, Hillsong United, is making a name for themselves in the Christian music industry. The Ministry has churches all over the world in its major cities. They opened the doors in thier church in LA drawing thousands of people together to worship Jesus Christ.

NFL Looking into report that league exec saw Ray Rice video in April
The current scandal regarding running back Ray Rice hitting his now wife and knocking her out is now on video. This is a graphic and abusive act has had much scrutiny to begin with amongst executives in the NFL and the public is finding out now that they have seen it in April. This video was said to have been released by TMZ last week but now knowing that the NFL new of the extent of this issue previously is causing a disturbance.

Faces of 9/11: Where are they now?
 Some of those that were famously involved in 9/11 have now moved on with their lives. Whether they were firefighters or journalists, they still remember the day and many keep in touch. As New York and the rest of the US takes time to remember what occurred that day we take success in seeing where our heroes are today.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Stylebook exercices 3.6,3.7,3.8

1. The first rutabaga eating contest was canceled due to adverse weather.
2. It is not all right to drink an excess of beer before a football game.
3. As Einstein said, "All knowledge is relative."
4. The state Capitol of Louisiana is located at 3722 Dagwood Road.
5. The mayor refused to go along with the City Council vote. "I dissent", he stated.
6. Madonna certainly has a flair for fashion, she always wears expensive outfits.
7. The bomb totally destroy Sen. Kitsmoots birdcage.
8. My bright-green Chevrolet, which is in the garage, needs a new transmission.
9. Knopke's hilarious joke elicited laughter from the Midville City Council.
10. Jones lay on the floor waiting for the job interview to begin.
11. Horowitz, an ethics major, vowed never to compromise his principles.
12. At the end of the book report, Haynes cited the World Book as a source.

1. The 25-year-old man wept as he left Hatiesburg, Mississippi.
2. This Nov. 10 will make our anniversary.
3. Do not park the car on Rodeo Drive instead, park at 12 Daives St.
4. They spent $130 to buy a new set of nose rings.
5. Smoots moved to the north because the people there are so nice.
6. At 7 p.m., the rodeo will begin in the Town Square.
7. On Monday, the terrorists blew up there home at 123 Melrose St.
8. Twenty-two seamstresses were needed to mend the prom dresses.
9. About 5 percent of the professors have lost their hair.
10. After 2 feet. of snow fell in Columbus, Ohio, Jones decided to leave.
11. Smith bet $50 that her brother weighed more than a 1964 Chevrolet.
12. John Smith, the governor of California, set his trailer on fire Sept. 1.
13. A fire began at 3325 McDonald Drive., when an oven full of rutabagas exploded.
14. During the 1970s everyone wore bell-bottomed blue jeans to church.

1. In August 1985, Davies rented a rutabaga stand in Agusta, Georgia.
2. Pomerantz tied the beehive to Sen. Gramm's cowboy hat.
3. About 1,200 Easter rabbits were killed in the explosion at Big Dave;s Bunny Ware house, located at 2525 Hackensack Drive.
4. In the 1980s, Davies left the Midwest and moved to the Loire Valley in France.
5. Smoots brought two cups of coffee to the governor.
6. About 8 percent of the cantaloupes have been stuffed with rutabagas.
7. Jones bet $40 that his roommate had hidden the sandwich.
8. The three university professors share a house at 613 25th Ave.
9. After 2 feet. of snow fell in Columbus Ohio, Davies decided to leave the Midwest and move to the south.
10. On Dec. 11, all classes will be canceled.
11. Monday morning, the mayor skipped her aerobics class.
12. Davies drove 2 million miles in his old Toyota Corolla before it blew up.
13. Dr. Kildare said he filed a malpractice suit against Marcus Welby.
14. At 8 p.m., Gov. Jim Guy Tucker will give a short speech in from of the Gorgas Library.


Apple recalls iPhone 5's for battery woes
Certain smartphones may be eligible for free battery replacements. There have been many issues with battery usage in the past with Apple iPhones. iPhones sold between September 2012 and January 2013 will be eligible to be recalled.

Ex-Governor McDonnell and Wife Convicted After Corruption Trial
McDonnell was found guilty on 11 counts, including conspiracy, bribery and extortion. His wife was charged with 9 counts of the same. The once potential presidential candidate will now face a time in prison.

Kremlin warns Ukraine against joining NATO
The Kremlin warned Kiev that if they were to join NATO the conflict will continue and worsen. The Leaders in Donetesk and Luhansk say that they are looking forward to the peace treaty and are concerned about the idea of joining NATO. Ukraine and separatists continue to fight and struggle against the upcoming decision.