Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 Interview Assignment

Name: Dan TarrInterview Place: Dorm 25-2, Room 213
Time: 9:30-10:00 p.m.
1. How did you find out what was happening on 9/11?
Dan: Came home from school and saw it on the news
2. What was your initial reaction to the bombings?
Dan: Pretty young, knew something bad was happening "depressed and struck"
3. Who were you with that day?

Dan: family, mom and brothers and sisters, all at home and distraught
4. Where were you on 9/11?
Dan: In school (second grade).
5. What do you specifically remember about the day?
Dan: Grandpa was watching the scene of second plane crashing over again- mom turned it off.
6. How did this incident personal effect you?
Dan: Worry about my dad a lot more.
7. How did it effect you knowing your dad is a commercial pilot?
Dan: Remembered being shocked knowing that it could have been his dad. He thought he was dead.
8. What were you emotions like during this day?
Dan: Frustrated, Grandpa kept watching it over and over again and I didn't want to see it.
9. How did your age play a part ?
Dan: Better grasp on the situation if i was older-all he could think about was his family.
10. What will be your lasting impression from 9/11?
Dan: Reminds me how my dad is still around and family is still together and how it united america.

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