Monday, November 17, 2014

Press Release

For more information contact:
Skyler Ruf
Mountain East Medical center

For release at 10 a.m.
Friday, Nov. 5th

Mountain East Medical Center gains a new head of purchasing department.

Mountain East medical center will have a new head of the purchasing department. Previous position holder, Bob Wilkinson has resigned and will be replaced by Johnny Toler. Toler was the associate lead of the department and will now take on the role of Wilkinson who's resignation is effective immediately.

Toler has been involed in the company for over 13 years. With his background being in pharmacy he started as the assistant druggist in the pharmacy department and began in the purchasing departmnent in 1978 and has been there since. Toler's wife is also involded in the company and is the head of the gynecology department.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Chapter 9: #9

1) Print
On Tuesday, Liberty University's quarterback was arrested for fleeing the scene of an accident. Brian O'Neil was attempting to flee the scene of the accident without notifying the vehicle's owner, according to Police Dept. Spokeswoman Betty Bornokowki. O'Neil could be facing felony charges if the damage of the car exceeds $1,000. He was released after posting bail set at $5,000. There has not yet been any word on any possible suspensions from football, according to his football coach. O'Neil became the starting quarterback after the starting one injured his arm in spring practices.
2) Web
Last night, a Local High school quarterback was arrested after fleeing the scene of an accident. Quarterback Brian O'Neil was arrested by police on $5,000 bail. If the damage of the car is more than $1,000 he may face felony charges. As for O'Neil's football eligibility, there has been no word on possible suspensions from the football team.
3)20 second Broadcast
The Local High school quarterback fled the scene of an accident on Tuesday night. He was arrested and was released after  posting $5,000 bail. Brian O'Neil may be facing felony charges if the damage is over $1,000. There is no word yet on his eligibility for his football team.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Skyler Ruf
Journalism 220

A St. Louis alderwoman has proposed to change the name of the city's Delmar blvd. to Barack Obama Blvd// Alderwoman Kacie Triplett said that the street has served as an unofficial racial line in the city// The changes that may occur will be voted on and decided through board meetings///

The deputy state treasurer of Missouri will now take on the role of circuit trial judge// The Governor elected Doug Gatson yesterday to be the new circuit judge// Gatson has been a Republican state house member from Houston and received his law degree from the University of Arkansas///

Expo 2012 has opened in South Korea for three months// The fair has a record high amount of robots participating in this year’s event// Attractions at the expo include different robot displays featuring animatronic systems// Over 100 countries are participating in this expo exhibiting their technological advancements///

A husband and wife have been accused of the burglary of 60 houses// Items stolen included jewelry other valuables and guns// There were over 100 weapons and other stolen property found and the police described their employment as a front for their operation///

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Chapter 9 #3

A St. Louis alderwoman has proposed to changing the name of the city's Delmar blvd. to Barack Obama blvd. Alderwoman Kacie Triplett said that the street has served as an unofficial racial line in the city.

The deputy state treasurer of Missouri will now take on the role of circuit trial judge. The Governor elected Doug Gatson yesterday to be the new circuit judge. He has been a Republican state house member from Houston and received his law degree from the University of Arkansas.

Expo 2012 has opened in South Korea for three months// The fair has a record high amount of robots participating in this year’s event// Attractions at the expo include different robot displays featuring those of a robotic fish// Over 100 countries are participating in this expo exhibiting their technological advancements.

A husband and wife have been accused of burglary and the breaking and entering of 60 houses. Items stolen included jewelry other valuables and guns. There was over 100 weapons and other stolen property found and the police described their employment as a front for their operation.

Broadcast Journ220 - 11 9 14, 9.28 PM

CNA: Virginia News

Before Philly abduction, suspect allegedly raped, burned girl Va.
The Virginia teen went missing a few weeks ago and walked into the Sheriffs office naked and burned. The horror story started after she was allegedly hit in the back of the head by a shovel then shoved in the trunk of the car. The victim suffered third degree burns form gasoline and bleach that her abductor pour on her but she is alive.

Orbital Sciences' Antares Rocket explodes in Virginia
NASA'S Rocket appears to have exploded in Virginia this past week and scientists are looking for answers. The rocket was carrying supplies to the international space station it do some up keeping and fixing. There have been some reports of the engines being the cause of the explosion which happened after just six seconds after launch.

Va. Police: Injured Bald Eagle had to be Euthanized
A Bald Eagle was found injured in Huntley Meadows Park this this week and had to be euthanized. The bird was suffering from a broken wing and ocular lesions therefore being found unfit to be put in a bird sanctuary. The Bird may have even been exposed to pesticides as well. The Bald Eagle was captured and Euthanized humanely.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

In class writing

15-year-old basketball player died this morning at Central Valley high school/ Todd White collapsed on the court during one of the teams practice games/ White did not have any known illnesses according to the team trainer /White was pronounced dead after attempts to revive him at Central Valley memorial and an autopsy will be performed today.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Chapter 9 #2

a. No the story focuses on an event that already happened decreasing the immediacy. This is because the story is about a matter that is not pressing or very interesting.
b. This story is not written in conversational style, its more paraphrased
c. This story is written tightly because it it pretty concise and informative
d. This story is confusing however because it uses two different stories and forms them together.

a. Yes this story emphasizes it's immediacy because it starts out by saying the amount of people that died and the lead is very intriguing, the idea of explosions also is appealing.
b. This story is written is conversational style because it flows the way you would read it.
c. This story is not written tightly because it is too wordy and it takes too long to tell the story. You do not want to read any more of it after the story.
d. It is written clearly but it is too long to read for a broadcast setting.

a. The lead uses the word "Attack" but is is unclear in its meaning, therefore making light of a situation that should be clearly immediate.
b. The story is written in a paraphrased manner that tells the story using points that are obviously summarized.
c. The story is written too tightly because it does not use proper detail to accurately tell the story. Detail is clearly needed to establish points.
d. This story has a pressing lead but does not accurately tell the story and makes it very confusing to understand what the point of the story is and what happened.