Thursday, November 6, 2014

CNA: Virginia News

Before Philly abduction, suspect allegedly raped, burned girl Va.
The Virginia teen went missing a few weeks ago and walked into the Sheriffs office naked and burned. The horror story started after she was allegedly hit in the back of the head by a shovel then shoved in the trunk of the car. The victim suffered third degree burns form gasoline and bleach that her abductor pour on her but she is alive.

Orbital Sciences' Antares Rocket explodes in Virginia
NASA'S Rocket appears to have exploded in Virginia this past week and scientists are looking for answers. The rocket was carrying supplies to the international space station it do some up keeping and fixing. There have been some reports of the engines being the cause of the explosion which happened after just six seconds after launch.

Va. Police: Injured Bald Eagle had to be Euthanized
A Bald Eagle was found injured in Huntley Meadows Park this this week and had to be euthanized. The bird was suffering from a broken wing and ocular lesions therefore being found unfit to be put in a bird sanctuary. The Bird may have even been exposed to pesticides as well. The Bald Eagle was captured and Euthanized humanely.

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