Monday, November 17, 2014

Press Release

For more information contact:
Skyler Ruf
Mountain East Medical center

For release at 10 a.m.
Friday, Nov. 5th

Mountain East Medical Center gains a new head of purchasing department.

Mountain East medical center will have a new head of the purchasing department. Previous position holder, Bob Wilkinson has resigned and will be replaced by Johnny Toler. Toler was the associate lead of the department and will now take on the role of Wilkinson who's resignation is effective immediately.

Toler has been involed in the company for over 13 years. With his background being in pharmacy he started as the assistant druggist in the pharmacy department and began in the purchasing departmnent in 1978 and has been there since. Toler's wife is also involded in the company and is the head of the gynecology department.

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