Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Journalism Trends Blogpost

Article Critic:
Nic Newman discusses the impact social media has on mainstream media in his study of how newspapers and Journalists are responding to it. He uses the Iranian election protests in order to explain some of the changes. He said that it is a challenge for news organization to integrate the user-generated content into organization broadcasts. Since there is such a huge amount of information fluctuating there are plenty of false stories that are being created to help sway certain direction Newman said. In the case of the election there was a lot of negative and false information being tweeted to undermine the front-runner’s position. He said that there is little balance in tweeting. In the times of understanding how too use social media as a primary source of journalism large corporation are often seemed to be beat to the stories by the initial tweets coming in, especially during protests and things of that nature. This according to the author is still a problem to a degree today.
The second article from The Washington Post covers a more practical idea of what journalists think of social media and how they use it. There was a study conducted that surveyed over a 1,000 journalist and 40 percent of the said that social media sites are “very important” to their work and most of those people said that they spend around one hour on those sites. The Microblogs like twitter were clearly the favorite style amongst the journalists. Another result found that 80 percent of journalists used social networking to stay on top of breaking stories. Journalists are using this outlet to look at competitors and for finding ideas their audiences may like.

·      Social Media is the latest instrument that is changing the news.
·      Do to the large amounts of news being shared though social media, there will be some false information as result.
·      The sharing of news is redefining the original way we understood the news cycle.

            Social media has added an entirely new element to the way in which news is transported and shared. News is being tweeted, status updated, blogged and posted creating a new dynamic to the news spectrum. The media is slowly adapted to these new changes but this genre of news is still in its adolescent stages. With this constant influence that social media gives us it is important to beware that not all of it is factual. Sometimes too many interpretations lead the story down incorrect paths because people who experience news events and post them tend to post them to their own interpretation not striving for objective truth. Most people who upload to social networking sites are not journalists clarifying the point that there most likely will not have tried to post from an objective standpoint, minimizing bias. Social media can also be a positive asset to have in the news. The 24-hour news cycle has broadened because millions of news articles are posted every second and credible news companies use networks like Twitter to constantly post quick story leads. This method usually has a hyperlink embedded in the lead to the rest of the story that can be shared amongst friends, families and the rest of the world. Sharing may the most important aspect of journalism in social media because of the power it has to reach millions of people. Sharing creates platform so that people can be their own journalists and have the opportunity to give their own insights on events, therefore creating a well-informed public.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Holesome Donut Press Release

Tel. 555/555/2222
Cell Phone: 555/555/1111

Repton To Be New Plant Location

The Holesome Donut Company has selected Repton, AL to be the city that hosts the new plant. Repton city officials had been bargaining for the opportunity to have this plant in their city for over two years because their main industry, a shoe factory, is on a downward spiral. The city has a reported 14 percent unemployment rate and is expected to fall even lower because the shoe factory will be cutting its payroll by half leaving many without work. But, the plant will provide over 700 jobs for the local people, softening the impact of the declining shoe factory.

Repton mayor John Smith says, “Although Holesome Donuts wasn’t our first choice for a local plant, we believe they will successfully fill the gap left by other closed manufacturing plants in the community."

Smith went on the say that city residents are intrigued by the new employment opportunities and the community is planning to make Holesome Donut Company feel comfortable in the new setting.

The city of Repton was picked as the new plant location because of its integral location and the willingness of the local banks to produce low interest rates for building facilities. City officials are going to help build roads and sidewalks, waste disposal services and recreation areas near the plant.

The Holesome Donut Company has developed a reputation for creating environmentally friendly manufacturing plants. The company has a plan to convert the used cooking oil into usable biodiesel for their delivery trucks, which has been a success at other plants. The company will work to maintain a minimal carbon footprint and low emission levels.

The company president Lonny Joe Underwood believes that the future of America relies on small productive cities like Repton. (Word Count: 287)

The Holesome Donut Company provides delicious treats for all in a thoughtful and creative way. The company has been proudly serving all communities across the world for five generations giving people the opportunity to enjoy quality baked goods at anytime of the year.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Press Release

For more information contact:
Skyler Ruf
Mountain East Medical center

For release at 10 a.m.
Friday, Nov. 5th

Mountain East Medical Center gains a new head of purchasing department.

Mountain East medical center will have a new head of the purchasing department. Previous position holder, Bob Wilkinson has resigned and will be replaced by Johnny Toler. Toler was the associate lead of the department and will now take on the role of Wilkinson who's resignation is effective immediately.

Toler has been involed in the company for over 13 years. With his background being in pharmacy he started as the assistant druggist in the pharmacy department and began in the purchasing departmnent in 1978 and has been there since. Toler's wife is also involded in the company and is the head of the gynecology department.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Chapter 9: #9

1) Print
On Tuesday, Liberty University's quarterback was arrested for fleeing the scene of an accident. Brian O'Neil was attempting to flee the scene of the accident without notifying the vehicle's owner, according to Police Dept. Spokeswoman Betty Bornokowki. O'Neil could be facing felony charges if the damage of the car exceeds $1,000. He was released after posting bail set at $5,000. There has not yet been any word on any possible suspensions from football, according to his football coach. O'Neil became the starting quarterback after the starting one injured his arm in spring practices.
2) Web
Last night, a Local High school quarterback was arrested after fleeing the scene of an accident. Quarterback Brian O'Neil was arrested by police on $5,000 bail. If the damage of the car is more than $1,000 he may face felony charges. As for O'Neil's football eligibility, there has been no word on possible suspensions from the football team.
3)20 second Broadcast
The Local High school quarterback fled the scene of an accident on Tuesday night. He was arrested and was released after  posting $5,000 bail. Brian O'Neil may be facing felony charges if the damage is over $1,000. There is no word yet on his eligibility for his football team.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Skyler Ruf
Journalism 220

A St. Louis alderwoman has proposed to change the name of the city's Delmar blvd. to Barack Obama Blvd// Alderwoman Kacie Triplett said that the street has served as an unofficial racial line in the city// The changes that may occur will be voted on and decided through board meetings///

The deputy state treasurer of Missouri will now take on the role of circuit trial judge// The Governor elected Doug Gatson yesterday to be the new circuit judge// Gatson has been a Republican state house member from Houston and received his law degree from the University of Arkansas///

Expo 2012 has opened in South Korea for three months// The fair has a record high amount of robots participating in this year’s event// Attractions at the expo include different robot displays featuring animatronic systems// Over 100 countries are participating in this expo exhibiting their technological advancements///

A husband and wife have been accused of the burglary of 60 houses// Items stolen included jewelry other valuables and guns// There were over 100 weapons and other stolen property found and the police described their employment as a front for their operation///

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Chapter 9 #3

A St. Louis alderwoman has proposed to changing the name of the city's Delmar blvd. to Barack Obama blvd. Alderwoman Kacie Triplett said that the street has served as an unofficial racial line in the city.

The deputy state treasurer of Missouri will now take on the role of circuit trial judge. The Governor elected Doug Gatson yesterday to be the new circuit judge. He has been a Republican state house member from Houston and received his law degree from the University of Arkansas.

Expo 2012 has opened in South Korea for three months// The fair has a record high amount of robots participating in this year’s event// Attractions at the expo include different robot displays featuring those of a robotic fish// Over 100 countries are participating in this expo exhibiting their technological advancements.

A husband and wife have been accused of burglary and the breaking and entering of 60 houses. Items stolen included jewelry other valuables and guns. There was over 100 weapons and other stolen property found and the police described their employment as a front for their operation.

Broadcast Journ220 - 11 9 14, 9.28 PM

CNA: Virginia News

Before Philly abduction, suspect allegedly raped, burned girl Va.
The Virginia teen went missing a few weeks ago and walked into the Sheriffs office naked and burned. The horror story started after she was allegedly hit in the back of the head by a shovel then shoved in the trunk of the car. The victim suffered third degree burns form gasoline and bleach that her abductor pour on her but she is alive.

Orbital Sciences' Antares Rocket explodes in Virginia
NASA'S Rocket appears to have exploded in Virginia this past week and scientists are looking for answers. The rocket was carrying supplies to the international space station it do some up keeping and fixing. There have been some reports of the engines being the cause of the explosion which happened after just six seconds after launch.

Va. Police: Injured Bald Eagle had to be Euthanized
A Bald Eagle was found injured in Huntley Meadows Park this this week and had to be euthanized. The bird was suffering from a broken wing and ocular lesions therefore being found unfit to be put in a bird sanctuary. The Bird may have even been exposed to pesticides as well. The Bald Eagle was captured and Euthanized humanely.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

In class writing

15-year-old basketball player died this morning at Central Valley high school/ Todd White collapsed on the court during one of the teams practice games/ White did not have any known illnesses according to the team trainer /White was pronounced dead after attempts to revive him at Central Valley memorial and an autopsy will be performed today.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Chapter 9 #2

a. No the story focuses on an event that already happened decreasing the immediacy. This is because the story is about a matter that is not pressing or very interesting.
b. This story is not written in conversational style, its more paraphrased
c. This story is written tightly because it it pretty concise and informative
d. This story is confusing however because it uses two different stories and forms them together.

a. Yes this story emphasizes it's immediacy because it starts out by saying the amount of people that died and the lead is very intriguing, the idea of explosions also is appealing.
b. This story is written is conversational style because it flows the way you would read it.
c. This story is not written tightly because it is too wordy and it takes too long to tell the story. You do not want to read any more of it after the story.
d. It is written clearly but it is too long to read for a broadcast setting.

a. The lead uses the word "Attack" but is is unclear in its meaning, therefore making light of a situation that should be clearly immediate.
b. The story is written in a paraphrased manner that tells the story using points that are obviously summarized.
c. The story is written too tightly because it does not use proper detail to accurately tell the story. Detail is clearly needed to establish points.
d. This story has a pressing lead but does not accurately tell the story and makes it very confusing to understand what the point of the story is and what happened.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

CNA: Liberty Stories

Kelly Family Inspires
Jim Kelly spoke this past week in convocation expressing a message about hope and strengths through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Kelly and his family had a great testimony to God that will be a hope for many people in the future. Jim Kelly knows that God has plans for himself and his family even through his hardships.

Belle Performs New Music
Andrew Belle is a singer based out of Chicago and preformed for Liberty students earlier this month. He played songs featured on his latest EP but he played them acoustically. Belle is using his influence as a musician to point his listeners to Christ through his lyrics and music videos.

Tricks That Count
Liberty's S.O.A.R. dunk team shares the Gospel in a unique way; through incredible acrobatic dunking skills. The team travels abroad  sharing the Gospel with many people in a very effective and unique way.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Story Idea

New School Upgrades

There is much gossip and rumor about all the new buildings and improvements the board is making on campus.

This article will include the actual ideas the faculty has in advancing the school.
- The use of 3D design and blueprints will be used as a basic background for the story
- There could be a virtual tour available to see the inside of a building.
-Short detailed descriptions of the interior/exterior of the new facilities
-Use innovative language to excite students 

Friday, October 24, 2014

CNA: Liberty Stories

Breaking Their Silence
Their are many negative stereotypes that go along with being an RA. Many students have had bad experiences with power-hungry and rep giving RA's. These students in this article are making it their responsibility to change this negative stereotype.

Firing Up The Fans
 The marching band plays an important part in adding to the experience of the game. The bands goal is to excite the fans and distract the other team during the game. The Spirit of the mountain's main show is when they preform at half time.The band also goes to different places and entire competitions across the east coast.

Look Great, Play Great
During a team meeting over the summer Coach Turner Gill announced that Liberty flames football will be using new uniforms. There are new all-red, all-blue and all white uniforms which can be mixed around and used for over 27 color combinations. Their new uniforms gained national headlines when they landed on USA's "Seven freshest college uniform" list.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

CNA: Liberty Story

Monday, excess catered food from the Reber-Thomas Dining hall was sent to Lynchburg Daily Bread homeless shelter. The load of food included fried chicken, grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, pasta and more. The donations that were given to the the Shelter totaled $1,500 lask week through the new partnership.

This new partnership between Sodexo, Liberty's catering service, and the local hunger shelter will send food to the shelter twice a week. The food will not only becoming from the Reber Thomas Dining hall but the Fresh Market Buffet in the Tilly Student Center.

Lynchburg Daily Bread serves 365 meals a year in a Christian environment. In 2013, This organization distributed over 50,000 nutritious meals to those struggling in the Lynchburg and Amherst areas of the community.

“Christmas, Thanksgiving — we’re open literally every day of the year, so we really need the food,” said Tracey Dixon, Lynchburg Daily Bread’s executive director. “We’re hugely excited about the donations from Sodexo.”

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Chapter 6 #12,19,21

a. Mayor Juanita Williams is not running for re-election and says she is supporting Council member Hong Xiang.
b. After the Springfield City hall meeting monday, Mayor Juanita Williams said that she will not be running for re-election.
c. Mayor Juanita Williams will not be running for re-election. She will be supporting First Ward Council Member Hong Xiang.
Springfield University President Michael Quinn said today that, he will recommend to the Board of Curators that tuition be increased by 6 percent each of the next two years.

The Curators meet at 10a.m. Friday in room 249 Student Union on 322 University Ave.

Sprinfield Student Association President Milo Nishada said he would oppose the recommendation he said, "The University is trying to balance the budget on the backs of students and it's not fair."
Two individuals were arrested on burglary charges after allegedly breaking into 14 houses and stealing $43,000 worth of items.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

CNA Weather

Hawaii May Escape Direct Hit by Ana, Not Its Impacts
Ana which is now a tropical storm as of thursday morning is expected to become a hurricane Friday. It is starting to gaining strength but it is supposed to be at its strongest right before it reaches the island state. The Governor Neil Abercrombie made an emergency proclamation to organize the states emergency procedures and prepare the island for the stormy days to come.

Nepal Blizzard, Avalanche Kills at Least 12 as Remnants Cyclone Hudhud Dump Huge Snow Totals
At least 12 were killed in Nepal's northern mountain range after an avalanche caused from heavy snow falls killed them. Displaced snow and ice also killed 5 others hiking in a nearby mountain range. Officials say that the rising global temperature is contributing to these avalanches.

Rain, Thunderstorms to Sweep NYC to Boston 
This low pressure system originated from the Great lakes and is supposed to impact everywhere from New Jersey to Maine. This system is excepted to bring very poor traveling conditions which is going to continue this weekend. There is going to major flooding concerns in places across the north east that have bad drainage.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Digital Content Assignment

One of the most obvious factors that stood out from all of the videos was the way in which they communicated about the Internet. They seemed to have a lower understanding of the internet based upon the questions that were asked by the journalists. During the time period that these videos aired was the true transition period to the acceptance of online media of the future.

There was still uneasiness to the idea of the internet being a primary source of information because of the transition from old ways to new ideas. The new ideas primarily involving access to the information the internet provides. This was shown through the new outlets through which news can be reported.

Specifically speaking, info snacking was an important stepping stone for how this generation processes the web. The term may be a little outdated by now, but the idea of briefly taking ideas from various sights and compiling them together is still very much in existence. People still pick and choose which stories they want to see and there is a intricate balance between publishing stories that may be pleasing to viewers and what real news actually is.

The transition in journalism through the new advances in technology has lead to a news system with some controversy. For example, there is still much debate over the credibility of independent civilian journalists doing the job of trained and educated journalists. This debate expands into the companies that employ these civilian journalists due to the lack of qualifications some people have.

Based upon the current trends in social media, people are looking for credibility more than ever because of the knowledge this generation has of the false sites on the web. However, the news has to be quick because people still "info snack" and there may be some that would rather get quick false information rather than the correct full story. This is the new balance news sites are facing today.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Chapter 8 #1

1) CNN
a. Yes there is a breaking news tab that is easily noticeable to the viewer.
b. Yes there is definitely a feel of time being saved because there seems to be shorter versions of breaking stories and longer ones for more in depth reading.
c. The information is quick and easy to get due the the headlining information and tabs breaking the news into categories.
d. Yes there is information displayed visibly and verbally by means of video and photography displaying clips and graphics to further explain the breaking story.
e. The stories are balanced well for the most part but some stories that aren't breaking can be broken down further because they become old news and are less interesting.
f.  The writing generally does not contain lists and bullets, only paragraphs.
g. The stories are often broken down by rhetorical questions but no real sub headlines.
h. The hyperlinks aren't really needed because there is so much video being used but they are there when they are needed.
i. CNN uses an iReport section so that people all over can report as witnesses and send in their feedback and opinions.
j. The human touch aspect of the news is reached with a good balance of feel good stories and stories that put people in good light.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Champion assignment

If you were creating content for the web version of the Champion, what would it look like?

-I would use a modern looking website due to the fact that the majority of people looking at the paper are college kids.
- There would be plenty of ways to connect with people and share article through social networking, let parents and those back home whats going on at school.
- Explicit appeals to student body- making them feel important by involving them because if there interest is kept the Website will flourish.
- Reliable minimally biased news, even with Christian title of the school everything should be reported.
- Sections of news divided for easy access (Times,CNN,Fox) have similar format to the successful news companies. Its what works.
- Beneficial advertisements (bonuses for college students)

Three News stories that would differ online:
1. Actor visits- This story would first need to change the title because people need to know who visits and most likely will not click on it. There also needs to be less detail in the story. For example there does not need to be a whole background on Kirk because this detail is not needed to inform people on the new movie. Todays generation will just skim over the majority of the article if it is not concise.

2. Wu emphasizes CSER choices- Overall this story is concise and does a good job of getting the point across but there needs to be clarification on Wu in the title and lead as it is a person. This may be a little confusing for online looking to know who wu is since they may not go to this school. Another thing to add on the online version of the paper would be a link to register for a CSER, since it is such an important requirement at liberty.

3. Then and Now- These picture oriented news sections work very well with web news because it is an easy way to see it clearly. Since web news is highly visually there needs to be more stories like this that are light and entertaining that can lead to other more serious stories. There should be links embedded in the buildings to view different events going on in the various building so students could easily see what is happening in campus life.

CNA Political Stories

Graham Search Highlights Virginia Drone Battle
The drone will be used in Charlottesville, Virginia as a tool to find Hannah Graham. While this is deemed legal this has raised many political issues regarding the 4th amendment. This can be considered a ground breaking political step to drone use among law enforcement.

Although the Supreme Court is staying relatively quite on this social debate, there has been a private meeting organized to discuss this topic amongst five states. However, the Justices are wanting to discuss this topic of debate but there is a lot take on including the different states constitutions. This topic has been a huge point in the political realm and the supreme court will eventually judge it.

President Barack Obama made a speech at Northwestern University pushing his economic success. He also made it a point to urge those to vote democrat due to the economic success of the current economy. The president described the republicans as having a totally different view for our country.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Chapter 6 Wkbk

a. The school manual has been changed after the Springfield board of education met Monday night
b. Springfield high school's manual has been changed.
c. The Springfield board of education changed the high school's manual. Things that were changed include the dress code, transportation and cell phone use.
d. The board of education voted on changing the manual making it more relatable to the 21st century.
e. Your students now have a new revised school manual to follow.

a. 2 local citizens died in a care crash this past weekend.
b. 2 died in a local care accident. The victims were James and Martha Westhaver who lived in Springfield. Others involved in the accident include people from the Parks and Recreation department.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


The angle will be centered on the liberty students experience with CFAW.

Dan Tarr
- Pastoral leadership and biblical exposition major.

1. Did you attend a CFAW before coming to liberty?
Answer: Yes 
2. What was your experience like?
Answer: "My hosts were involved in my weekend and enjoyed having me there"
3. What is your favorite CFAW memory?
Answer: "Going to the football game with my best friends and pretty college girls" 
4.  Have you ever had a CFAW stay with you? What was that like?
Answer: Yes many and they are usually kind and shy.
5. How do you view CFAW now that you are a student?
Answer: Inconvenient but happy that this is an event.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Dellin Betances Sets Single Season record for strikeouts by a reliever
 The young pitcher Bentances has been a key asset to the Yankees organization. This year he broke the famed Mariano Rivera's strikeout record at 132 strikeouts. This feat launched him to a new level of fame and respect of the fans and earned him a sure spot next year on the team.

FIFA orders officials to return expensive watches
This summer after the world cup Brazilians gave officials and referees expensive watches. This gift giving goes against FIFA's policy which states that they cannot accept gives that have symbolic or trivial value. The watches were called to be returned to the gift givers due to the various codes that they have broken.

The Royal and ancient golf course at St. Andrews voted to admit female members
After 260 years the royal and ancient golf course at St. Andrews is going to be admitting female members this thursday. This event is significant according to women's sports leaders because they see this as hope that other courses and clubs will follow. Since golf is going to be in the next olympics they are hoping for the sport to grow since it it is truly dying.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Chapter 6.

a. A scientist
b. Dismissed by EPA for tobacco lobbying

b. Where
c. The best lead is b because of the use of information wasn't overwhelming and it was urging you to read more.
d. The nations 40 million Social security recipients will recieve a 5.4 percent increase in January, the biggest boost in over eight years, your government announced yesterday.

5. Springfield university approved a plan Monday to convert from a plus/minus grading standard to the A/B/C/D/F plan.At  other universities and that have changed to this the GPA of their students declined.

6. The university Provost announced that students will now be able to purchase books from the university online unless probation restricts them form doing so.

b. A pipe fitter from Springfield suffered third degree burns while trying to intial a new pipe on a roof. He accidentally touched a power line carrying 15,000 volts.

8. Over 1,000 students from local Montwood high school  walked out of class to protest the new class schedule. The clash became violent when bottles were being thrown injuring 30 people and 10 were arrested.

a. Wayne Clay was driving north on U.S. 63 and crossed the center line crashing into the James W. Cunning with his 1992 Ford. Cunning is in satisfactory condition at Springfield Hospital.
b. A man driving south on U.S. 63 in his 1992 Ford crashed into another man after crossing the center line.

10. Yesterday, Spc. Leslie H. Sabo Jr. posthumously received the Medal of Honor from Barack Obama for heroism during combat in Cambodia. He sacrificed himself while destroy a bunker with a grenade.

11. An Amtrak train collided with three Conrail locomotives after running a stop sign.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Reflection Post

The 9/11 assignment was a great way to learn what it would be like to do some investigative reporting. The attribute that I would take from this assignment was the whole interview experience. It was a good start in learning how to develop questions and use them to develop the story.
The hardest part about this assignment was trying to organize the time to meet up. Even though my subject was my roommate he was very busy and it was a little overwhelming for him and I too rush through the questions and focus on main points. This lead to my work not being done because I would have liked to have more time to interview.

The feature story that would have came out of this interview would definitely be how Dan's father's plane was mistaken at first for the the one that crashed into the tower. He originally thought that his father had died and this was a very traumatic experience for him. This experience made him personally aware of the risks that his Father takes daily.

The issues regarding technology were mostly centered around iMovie. With this basic editing program it was hard to created the clip I wanted to make. The short time constant was also very short and I couldn't get all the information that I wanted involved in the interview.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 Interview Assignment

Name: Dan TarrInterview Place: Dorm 25-2, Room 213
Time: 9:30-10:00 p.m.
1. How did you find out what was happening on 9/11?
Dan: Came home from school and saw it on the news
2. What was your initial reaction to the bombings?
Dan: Pretty young, knew something bad was happening "depressed and struck"
3. Who were you with that day?

Dan: family, mom and brothers and sisters, all at home and distraught
4. Where were you on 9/11?
Dan: In school (second grade).
5. What do you specifically remember about the day?
Dan: Grandpa was watching the scene of second plane crashing over again- mom turned it off.
6. How did this incident personal effect you?
Dan: Worry about my dad a lot more.
7. How did it effect you knowing your dad is a commercial pilot?
Dan: Remembered being shocked knowing that it could have been his dad. He thought he was dead.
8. What were you emotions like during this day?
Dan: Frustrated, Grandpa kept watching it over and over again and I didn't want to see it.
9. How did your age play a part ?
Dan: Better grasp on the situation if i was older-all he could think about was his family.
10. What will be your lasting impression from 9/11?
Dan: Reminds me how my dad is still around and family is still together and how it united america.

CNA #2

Megachurch With a Beat Lures a Young Flock
The Australian pentecostal church, Hillsong United, is making a name for themselves in the Christian music industry. The Ministry has churches all over the world in its major cities. They opened the doors in thier church in LA drawing thousands of people together to worship Jesus Christ.

NFL Looking into report that league exec saw Ray Rice video in April
The current scandal regarding running back Ray Rice hitting his now wife and knocking her out is now on video. This is a graphic and abusive act has had much scrutiny to begin with amongst executives in the NFL and the public is finding out now that they have seen it in April. This video was said to have been released by TMZ last week but now knowing that the NFL new of the extent of this issue previously is causing a disturbance.

Faces of 9/11: Where are they now?
 Some of those that were famously involved in 9/11 have now moved on with their lives. Whether they were firefighters or journalists, they still remember the day and many keep in touch. As New York and the rest of the US takes time to remember what occurred that day we take success in seeing where our heroes are today.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Stylebook exercices 3.6,3.7,3.8

1. The first rutabaga eating contest was canceled due to adverse weather.
2. It is not all right to drink an excess of beer before a football game.
3. As Einstein said, "All knowledge is relative."
4. The state Capitol of Louisiana is located at 3722 Dagwood Road.
5. The mayor refused to go along with the City Council vote. "I dissent", he stated.
6. Madonna certainly has a flair for fashion, she always wears expensive outfits.
7. The bomb totally destroy Sen. Kitsmoots birdcage.
8. My bright-green Chevrolet, which is in the garage, needs a new transmission.
9. Knopke's hilarious joke elicited laughter from the Midville City Council.
10. Jones lay on the floor waiting for the job interview to begin.
11. Horowitz, an ethics major, vowed never to compromise his principles.
12. At the end of the book report, Haynes cited the World Book as a source.

1. The 25-year-old man wept as he left Hatiesburg, Mississippi.
2. This Nov. 10 will make our anniversary.
3. Do not park the car on Rodeo Drive instead, park at 12 Daives St.
4. They spent $130 to buy a new set of nose rings.
5. Smoots moved to the north because the people there are so nice.
6. At 7 p.m., the rodeo will begin in the Town Square.
7. On Monday, the terrorists blew up there home at 123 Melrose St.
8. Twenty-two seamstresses were needed to mend the prom dresses.
9. About 5 percent of the professors have lost their hair.
10. After 2 feet. of snow fell in Columbus, Ohio, Jones decided to leave.
11. Smith bet $50 that her brother weighed more than a 1964 Chevrolet.
12. John Smith, the governor of California, set his trailer on fire Sept. 1.
13. A fire began at 3325 McDonald Drive., when an oven full of rutabagas exploded.
14. During the 1970s everyone wore bell-bottomed blue jeans to church.

1. In August 1985, Davies rented a rutabaga stand in Agusta, Georgia.
2. Pomerantz tied the beehive to Sen. Gramm's cowboy hat.
3. About 1,200 Easter rabbits were killed in the explosion at Big Dave;s Bunny Ware house, located at 2525 Hackensack Drive.
4. In the 1980s, Davies left the Midwest and moved to the Loire Valley in France.
5. Smoots brought two cups of coffee to the governor.
6. About 8 percent of the cantaloupes have been stuffed with rutabagas.
7. Jones bet $40 that his roommate had hidden the sandwich.
8. The three university professors share a house at 613 25th Ave.
9. After 2 feet. of snow fell in Columbus Ohio, Davies decided to leave the Midwest and move to the south.
10. On Dec. 11, all classes will be canceled.
11. Monday morning, the mayor skipped her aerobics class.
12. Davies drove 2 million miles in his old Toyota Corolla before it blew up.
13. Dr. Kildare said he filed a malpractice suit against Marcus Welby.
14. At 8 p.m., Gov. Jim Guy Tucker will give a short speech in from of the Gorgas Library.


Apple recalls iPhone 5's for battery woes
Certain smartphones may be eligible for free battery replacements. There have been many issues with battery usage in the past with Apple iPhones. iPhones sold between September 2012 and January 2013 will be eligible to be recalled.

Ex-Governor McDonnell and Wife Convicted After Corruption Trial
McDonnell was found guilty on 11 counts, including conspiracy, bribery and extortion. His wife was charged with 9 counts of the same. The once potential presidential candidate will now face a time in prison.

Kremlin warns Ukraine against joining NATO
The Kremlin warned Kiev that if they were to join NATO the conflict will continue and worsen. The Leaders in Donetesk and Luhansk say that they are looking forward to the peace treaty and are concerned about the idea of joining NATO. Ukraine and separatists continue to fight and struggle against the upcoming decision.

Friday, August 29, 2014

CNA #1

US colleges screen some students for Ebola
Colleges in New York and North Dakota have issued tests for western African Students.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Future of Journalism

Journalism has tremendously changed over the passed decade due to all the advances in technology and the introduction of online reporting. About the only thing that has not changed is the freedom of press journalists have from the First Amendment. The future of journalism is going to be very different but very bright.

Our culture is becoming more and more visual as the years progress and the attention span of the newer generations is getting smaller and smaller. So, the successful journalists of the upcoming times will need to incorporate visuals like video clips and captivating titles. The underlying detail that journalists of the future will need will be the need for an entrepreneurial mindset. Entrepreneurialism will be what companies are looking for in the future because of all the new media out there, according to Randy Bennet of the University of Florida.

The changes that are occurring in the journalism world are going to influence my life. For me I need to be able to adapt to the situations thrown at me and be willing to find new ideas to please the business I will work for. I am getting a minor in this degree which will improve my writing skills and creativity to produce interesting and new ideas. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Objectivity is Possible

Being objective is attainable while writing news when the truth is told. When reporters tell the facts in a clear and concise way objectivity is possible. Solid facts and absolute truth need to always be the main goal of reporters and when they are not reporters lose their credibility and therefore their objectivity.

The key component for writing objectively according  Dave Barry, famed pulitzer prize winning columnist and author is not knowing too much about the subject matter before writing. The more you know about the subject the more you are likely to form an opinion and therefore more of a bias. Avoiding a bias is impossible but writing towards objectivity is possible to higher degrees when following a more basic structural plan. This plan begins with gathering information from all the different perspectives. Having many different perspectives will diminish the reporters bias as well as make their work more objective. When readers see sources quoted from all perspectives they will not see the bias as clearly. The more sources the reporter has will also enhance the objectivity the story has. This is because it will add to the credibility of the author. Credibility is also a key factor in having objectivity with their stories because without credible sources the story completing falls through. Having clearly factual stories with multiple credible stories will give the stories the elements to make them objective.

If journalists keep the criteria above then there will be less bias in the news and more of an a objective truth. All reporters strive for their stories to be correct but many times they are not. Achieving an objective news story is possible but difficult.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Good Writing

Good writing is what humans use to understand the world, love, politics, economics and most other characteristics regarding the things we care about.

We see that effective writing is searched for daily by the concerned citizen and there are a few specific details they look for. Firstly, the writing needs to be credible and factual an example of credible writing would be Condoleezza Rice's 911 testimony. Her being the national security advisor at the time gave her instant credibility.

Another example of good writing would be Martin Luther King's "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" due the strategy he had put into it and the fact that it totally called the clergyman out from hiding and accusing them of being ignorant to the issues at hand.

The last piece of writing will be one of negative effect. Bad writing does not always have to be written poorly in order to be considered bad because some things could be either be taken out of context or blown up into a false story. For example, "People" magazine often uses minor stories in the celebrity world and blows them out of proportion and takes them out of context just to create drama so people will buy the story.

Good writing establishes credibility, correctness, and clarity within the minds of its readers.

- Condoleezza Rice's testimony on 9\11 answers about what happened are recognized as truth due to her credentials.

- Martin Luther king uses his critical understanding of the issues apparent at this time in history to concisely produce a message of truth to his audience of the Clergymen.

- Bad writing does not always have to be written poorly to be considered insufficient. A recurring example would be how many journalists try and bend the truth and try to create an audience for the story because they take a minor detail and run with that.

Journalists need to have a clarity while writing that captures the readers attention without distracting them.